December 03, 2020

Stackla integrates with Salesforce Commerce Cloud


With online retail sales at an all time high, it’s more important than ever for eCommerce brands to create engaging and personalized digital shopping experiences. User-generated content (UGC) has proven to be the most trusted and influential form of social proof retailers can leverage to inspire and convert shoppers at every point in the buyer’s journey.

  • 92% of consumers say earned media (like UGC) is the most trusted form of content. (Nielsen)
  • Consumers are 6x more likely to purchase a product if the page includes pictures from social media (AdWeek)
  • 79% of people say UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions (Stackla)

To make it easier for retailers to incorporate this high-performing content into their online stores, we now have a new UGC integration with Salesforce® Commerce Cloud.

Click here to find out more.