December 10, 2020

Stackla: Diversity in Digital Marketing


Diversity in digital marketing today can look like many things. When you go out in public, most of the time there is a mix of people of different ages, sizes, genders, races, health conditions, religious and sexual preferences and more.

Just like in the real world, our marketing should be a reflection of the real people who are interacting with our businesses on a daily basis. Today’s consumers want to see people they relate to represented in the marketing and advertising campaigns of their favorite brands. And smart brands should strive to be as customer-centric as possible.

What does diversity in digital marketing mean?

Diversity in digital marketing doesn’t just lend itself to visuals. It requires intentional thinking and doing plenty of research—looking at your current team structure, understanding your core audience and assessing the accessibility of your user experience.

Diversity means evaluating factors such as:

  • Age
  • Appearance
  • Ethnicity, race, nationality
  • Gender & sexuality
  • Health & disabilities
  • Language
  • Religious affiliation
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Veteran status;
  • and more

Diversity in digital marketing doesn’t necessarily mean trying to cater to every single possible demographic. Rather, it means knowing who is drawn to your brand and making sure those groups are represented and included in marketing efforts. It’s all about the intent and motivation behind a campaign.

Click here to read the full article.