March 26, 2019

Stackla adds new Automation Rules feature


Introducing Automation Rules

Stackla has always provided very granular aggregation rules that allow you to automatically tag and publish content based on its source. However, some challenges require more complex logic to achieve.

Our brand new Automation Rules allow Stackla moderators to build decision tree style workflows based on:

  • The network source
  • The media type
  • The contents of the caption
  • The concepts detected by visual recognition

Based on the above, actions can be applied such as:

  • Adding location
  • Adding tag(s)
  • Adding a sentiment score

The International Cricket Council (ICC) had a unique challenge which they used Automation Rules to solve.

Their #WorldWideWickets campaign was envisioned as a way to share all the different places in the world people play cricket. Whether on a cricket pitch, in the park, in the back yard or on the road, ICC wanted to encourage cricket fans to share their pictures which they would then visualize on a map.

They anticipated that Instagram would be the most popular network, especially in places like cricket-mad India where Instagram is extremely popular. Unfortunately, Instagram recently removed geolocation data from hashtag content, so they were in a bit of a pickle.

Using our new Automation Rules they devised a smart solution:

  • The campaign call-to-action would be #WorldWideWickets + a country hashtag eg. #WorldWideWickets #Pakistan
  • Stackla Automation Rules would look for the country hashtag in each post (or a mention of the country in the caption) and then assign a relevant geolocation to the post in Stackla

The content, now enriched with geo-coordinates, could be displayed on the Stackla Map Widget and cricket fans could explore locations around the world and see where fellow cricket enthusiasts played.

Automation Rules are available now for all customers. Find them under the Settings menu.