November 01, 2021

Instaclustr Releases Managed OpenSearch


Instaclustr is pleased to announce the general availability of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards on the Instaclustr Managed Platform. OpenSearch is another key open source technology that joins our suite of managed service offerings, continuing to expand the breadth of offerings that Instaclustr is able to provide.

Instaclustr’s OpenSearch managed service is based on the truly open source, Apache 2.0 licensed, OpenSearch project. OpenSearch is derived from Apache 2.0 licensed Elasticsearch 7.10.2 & Kibana 7.10.2. OpenSearch was born as a result of the open source community choosing to provide a true open source alternative, following decision to move to a dual license under Server Side Public License (SSPL) and the Elastic License.

We are pleased to support the OpenSearch initiative and believe that it is vital that the community work together to ensure a viable, open alternative to increasingly proprietary offerings from We do note that, as OpenSearch is a hard fork of Elasticsearch, the functionality of the two offerings can be expected to diverge over time. It is therefore important that users wishing to remain in the open source ecosystem move to OpenSearch as soon as practical to minimise migration effort.

Our OpenSearch managed service builds on the operational knowledge developed from our Open Distro for Elasticsearch offering. Instaclustr will continue to offer Open Distro for at least the next 6 months but at this stage only recommend using it if required for legacy compatibility reasons. Open Distro for Elasticsearch is a 100% open source distribution of Elasticsearch, free of any code with restrictive licensing. In March 2020, Instaclustr was the first company to offer Managed Service for Open Distro for Elasticsearch besides AWS’ own service (as the original sponsors of the Open Distro).

“The addition of managed OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards to the Instaclustr Managed Platform provides customers with a true open source alternative following changes to the license of Elasticsearch. These events have reassured our initial decision to use Open Distro for Elasticsearch to meet our customers’ requirements, adding OpenSearch to our platform was a natural progression. Our OpenSearch offering has all the same features customers would be familiar with from Instaclustr’s other managed service offerings including Open Distro for Elasticsearch.”

Paul Aubrey—VP of Product Management

Instaclustr Managed OpenSearch has all the key features you have come to expect including:

  • Flexible OpenSearch cluster provisioning and configuration using the new Instaclustr Management Console or REST APIs with Terraform provider coming soon
  • Support for AWS, Microsoft Azure and GCP cloud service providers
  • Option to include OpenSearch Dashboard as part of your cluster
  • Access to OpenSearch specific monitoring metrics via our API or Console

Easy vertical scaling via customer initiated reize

Choice to Run in Instaclustr’s cloud service provider account or your own 

Ability to deploy OpenSearch as a Private Network Cluster for enhanced security

  • As is the case for Open Distro for Elasticsearch, the OpenSearch Security plugin is prebuilt with all clusters by default
  • SOC 2 Compliance
  • PCI Compliant when deployed on AWS
  • Assisted migration onto the Instaclustr Managed Platform
  • Continuous monitoring and alerting
  • Production-ready OpenSearch clusters with SLAs up to 99.999% available (more details on Instaclustr Managed OpenSearch availability SLAs here);
  • Highly responsive 24×7 support from Instaclustr’s expert team (more details on support and support SLAs here)
  • Full documentation available on our support site.

If you are running Elasticsearch clusters and are concerned about the licence changes we highly encourage you to trial an OpenSearch cluster and experiment with it. Contact our Support or Customer Success teams for any questions and clarifications. New customers can begin a free trial of Instaclustr Managed OpenSearch here or contact the Instaclustr Sales team.