December 16, 2020

DocsCorp CEO Dean Sappey Reflects on a Year Like No Other


We’ve reached the end of another year – though it’s safe to say it was a year like no other. I’d like to thank you for your support throughout 2020. I hope DocsCorp helped you stay secure and productive as you worked through multiple lockdowns and periods of significant change.

DocsCorp has been extremely fortunate to weather the storm, but we are thinking of those businesses and people hit hard by the effects of the pandemic.

On a personal note, not being able to travel has reminded me of the importance of family and those we hold dear to our hearts. 

In 2020, our teams worked hard to deliver new solutions, including veroDocs and cleanDocs, enhanced with AI. And we have many more exciting projects planned for the New Year, which you will hear about soon.

Our aim in the next 12 months is to continue to broaden the range of applications that deliver productivity and efficiency to your working lives.

2021 is looking hopeful – a vaccine is on the horizon, and it may not be long before we can resume those parts of our lives currently on hold, like family get-togethers, conferences, and overseas travel.

In the meantime, I and everyone here at DocsCorp would like to wish you and your family a very safe and happy holiday season.

Dean Sappey
DocsCorp President and Co-Founder